Music Publisher Resources
This page serves as a go-to resource for The MLC’s music publisher Members — with important information on musical works registration, catalog acquisitions, royalty distributions and more — so you have everything you need to best serve your writers.
Works Registration
Click here for details on the process of registering musical works data through The MLC Portal.
Data Quality Initiative (DQI)
Click here to learn more about The MLC’s Data Quality Initiative and get started using this helpful resource to ensure musical works data accuracy.
Dispute Policy
Click here to read about and access The MLC’s Dispute Policy, which serves a central function in The MLC’s rights management operations.
Catalog Transfers
Click here to learn how The MLC handles the transfer of catalogs and how to submit a transfer via the Catalog Transfer Form.
Blanket Royalties
Click here to get detailed information on blanket royalty payments, statements and adjustments, as well as how The MLC handles historical unmatched royalties.
Royalty Income Tracking
Click here to learn how music publishers can track unpaid royalties through The MLC.
Duplicate Work Registrations
Click here to learn how to resolve duplicate work registrations that are created in The MLC’s musical works database.
Medley Works Registration
Click here to learn more about medley works and gain insights into the process of registering them through The MLC Portal.