Self-Administered Songwriters
These resources are designed to help self-administered songwriters determine their eligibility for becoming a Member of The MLC.
Are You a Self-Administered Songwriter?
If you're unsure whether you should categorize yourself as a self-administered songwriter, we've got four questions to ask yourself.
See the questions here.
To-Do List for Songwriters, Composers and Lyricists:
We know it can be difficult to navigate all the steps to collect different types of royalties, especially if you don’t have a publisher or administrator. Download our to-do list for songwriters, composers and lyricists to ensure you are receiving all your song-related (aka publishing) royalties.
Click here for to-do list.
Keep your Data Organized and Ready for Registration with the Bulk Work Registration Template:
As a Member of The MLC, there are 3 ways to register your works. You can register one song at a time directly in The MLC Portal, send us a Common Works Registration (CWR) file by contacting the Support Team, or you can upload your registrations in bulk within The MLC Portal by using the Bulk Work Registration template. Even if you aren’t ready to register your works with The MLC, you can use this document to keep your data organized.
Click here for more information.
Catalog Transfers:
It is essential that Members notify The MLC as soon as possible when musical works are transferred from one rightsholder to another so that the works can be updated in The MLC’s database to reflect the new rightsholder. Click here to learn more.
DQI Webinar for Spreadsheet Software Users:
This August 2020 webinar targets those who are using Excel, Google Sheets or similar methods to store their data.
Watch the webinar.